
코트라 글로벌 아트 콜라보 엑스포, 초청 아티스트 밀키베이비 Global Art Collaboration Expo - Invited Artist, Milkybaby

2021년 5월 31일 업데이트됨

밀키베이비 전시 부스 ©Kim Woo Young

Milkybaby's Goods ©Kim Woo Young

라이브 드로잉 with Absolut ©Kim Woo Young

부스를 찾아주신 분들과 대화중인 저 ©Kim Woo Young

The purpose of this exhibition hosted by Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency is to help artists provide opportunities to collaborate work with various companies and products. As an invited artist, I set Milkybaby booth and had 2 days of exhibition, displayed goods, and did live drawing.

Exhibition Date : 2017. 12. 6-7

Exhibition Venue : Coex, Seoul